Connected Wheel Chair from AT&T

At CTIA in Las Vegas, AT&T and Permobil are showing concept solution that wirelessly connects wheelchairs to increase user independence and freedom. The connected wheelchair

AT&T 4G LTE and Sirius XM for Subaru

Subaru announced partnerships with Sirius XM  and AT&T for its Subaru STARLINK in-vehicle infotainment connectivity and services including 4G LTE connectivity. STARLINK is the Subaru in-vehicle

AT&T finds connected car car connections VIP

GM-ATT-4G-LTE-626x382AT CTIA Super Mobility Week, AT&T and Ericsson announced key points from its connected car research proving that people want AT&T connections in their cars. The report alsos a very high awareness of connected car features. We have a call out to our AT&T contacts to track down the full report. In the meantime, here are the bullet points.