NHSTA Goes Forward with Rear View Camera Requirement, AAA Agrees

reviewcameraindashThe U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) will require all new vehicles under 10,000 pounds  to have rear view cameras by May 2018.

NHTSA reported that it will increase safety of these vehicles by significantly reducing the risk of fatalities and serious injuries caused by backover accidents.

Connected World of Connected Cars Can Prevent Distracted Driving?

distractivedrivingConnected World editor, Peggy Smedley claims the technology to eliminate accident and death due to distracted driving is literally at our fingertips.

Smedley contends that due to technology available, all it takes is the will to restrain ourselves from looking away from the road.  

BMW Top Best Connected Car, #2 GM, #3 Ford & More

BMWiconnectedriveMachina Research in a survey for Vodaphone ranked car maker for sophistication in their connected car experiences.

BMW’s ConnectedDrive was top ranked as the best, followed by GM’s OnStar in second place and third place went to Ford for its embedded offering, followed by Audi and Chrysler.

BlackBerry QNX Powers CarPlay, Mood Music and More

Bentley QNX DashBlackBerry QNX is a software platform that is being used in many luxury high-end vehicles with advanced features as well the ability to have music based played according to your mood…

QNX software is being used for or mapping, communication and entertainment systems in Ford, Chrysler, Hyundai, Jaguar, Porsche, Audi (see video below) and BMW vehicles.

New Tech Hits the Roads in MI with V2V, Autonomous Driverless Track & Solar Charging Roads

UM Autonomous Driving TrackConnected car technology is hitting the road in Michigan through two initiatives, the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

The University of Michigan Mobility Transformation Center was recently launched focusing on emerging technology in collaboration with the government and transportation industry to make improvements to travel for both humans and cargo.

Virginia Tech’s Auto Connected Car V2V Testing

Toyota Prius 2010Virginia Tech Transportation Institute is working on the design the integration framework that will allow vehicles to “talk” with their drivers and with other automobiles on the road (V2V).

PSA Peugeot Citroen’s Connected Vehicle to Be Powered by IBM

puegeotconnectedIBM Big Data and Analytics and IBM MobileFirst will be deployed in PSA Peugeot Citroen vehicles.

PSA Peugeot Citroen and IBM have partnered to integrate the  data from cars, phones, traffic signals, lights and other sources and analyze it in real-time to deliver connected vehicle services.