We at AUTO Connected Car News only cover the connected car space. We find itvery amusing when standard news agencies cover the topic because they mix up their facts and confuse information. Christiano Amon from Qualcomm spilled some interesting connected car industry beans with a few surprises and incorrect facts to Fox news.
Nissan sets plans for stressless driving for parking & traffic but not driverless, yet
Nissan’s CEO at a news conference reported that fully driverless cars will not be coming in this decade. However features that ease the stress of
Nissan LEAF gets free charging and self-cleaning with creature resistance
There is good news for Nissan LEAF owners present and future. First, Nissan LEAF owners can get two years of free charging and in the future LEAF owners may never have to waste water washing their cars. Creature lovers and haters will be happy with their nano-coated LEAFs because animal poo and bugs won’t stick either.
CarPlay is not the answer, simple is better for connected cars says SBD: Tesla & Nissan topped rankings
SBD looked at in-car infotainment systems and rated them after testing them with actual drivers and experts. The study found the systems ranked highest to
Airbiquity Choreo plays safer than CarPlay and Android Auto?
After the media alvalanche from Android Auto, announced at Google I/O, it is important to note that infotainment systems designed by carmakers can be safer
Nissan Protects Cars from Dirt and Water (Ultra-Ever Dry ) Self-Cleaning Car
Nissan in Europe is testing new paint technology that repels mud, rain and everyday dirt called a self-cleaning car. It could mean that drivers will say chuck-it to their buckets and sponges.
A European Nissan Note with super-hydrophobic and oleophobic paint effectiveness is being by engineers at Nissan Technical Centre Europe in many conditions.
NY Auto Show Connected Cars Drive Driverless Testing, Automous, Self-Driving Volvo, Mercedes & Nissan
CBS Channel 10 news in Tampa Bay/Sarasota Florida, shows some very interesting information about driverless cars from the New York International Auto Show.
Volvo’s driverless car is being testing in Sweden, the video shows sensors in the grill work. Anders Tylman-Mikiewicz, General Manager, Volvo Monitoring & Concept Center Los Angeles appears in the video.
Mercedes is testing driverless cars in Germany. Nissan is testing driverless cars in Japan. GPS, cameras and sensors give cars a view of the road. The US Department of Transportation wants V2V technology in the future along with V2I.
Several automakers expect to sell the technology by 2020.
Volvo has safety technology in its cars. More than one million Volvo cars equipped with systems for automatic braking have been sold. To date, more than 155,000 of these Volvos have been sold in the U.S. market.
With its S 500 INTELLIGENT DRIVE research vehicle, Mercedes-Benz in August 2013 claims to be the world’s first automobile manufacturer to demonstrate that autonomous driving in rural and urban traffic is possible video follows.
Nissan Autonomous Auto-Driven, Robotic Car (Leaf) Drives into Future of Connected Cars Post 2014
Nissan has pledged to offer robotic, autonomous vehicles by 2020. Driver-less Nissan Leaf test vehicles are being tested under many conditions.
Nissan tests vehicles in a dedicated autonomous driving city in Japan. The track has real houses for life-like self-driven car testing without using public roads for maximum safety.