Pioneer connected car systems CarPlay update 4 iPhone 5/5c/5S/6/6+: iOS 8 how to upgrade directions

PioneerFirmwareupdatePioneer promised an update for its higher-end  2014 NEX line of infotainment units by the the end of the summer.  The update was announced on Thursday and is available for download by a computer from the Pioneer website. Pioneer claims the update should take about 10 minutes, we suggest you allow a little more time to get used to how CarPlay works while you are not driving.

The good news is that Pioneer CarPlay is compatible with iPhone 6/6+/5/5S/5c with iOS 7.1 or higher with the compatible firmware and  a”Lightning to USB (sold separately) cable” that is MFI certified*.  If you have a rear view camera the update allows you to press and hold the MAP button to see the image from the camera.

Pioneer App Radio issues with iOS 8 & CarPlay delay?

Pioneerappradio3headunitPioneer AppRadio users should think twice before upgrading to iOS 8. There are problems with the in-app keyboard, general compatibility and display issues with AppRadio Mode apps. Therefore Pioneer suggests not updating to iOS 8 if you are using AppRadio apps in your car.

Ferrari wins iPhone race 1st CarPlay connected car

FerrrariCarPlayWhile some car makers have delayed the release of Apple CarPlay for iPhone 5/5c/5S with Hyundai on target, Ferrari delivered the first car in the world with Apple’s CarPlay on September 8.

The first Ferrari FF with CarPlay was delivered to a buyer in Italy. The delivery was a day before the announcement of the new iPhone 6 and 6+.

Volvo XC90 Apple CarPlay Android Auto later: ADAS now

volvocx90Volvo announced its new  XC90 coming to the US in April starting at $48,800.  Apple CarPlay and Android Auto support will follow its release.

Technically it’s considered an SUV, the Volvo XC90 made on a scaleable architecture with a vertical touchscreen and many ADAS features. The pleasant interior is styled in leather and wood.

In connected car apps to reach 269 million by 2018, thanks 2 CarPlay and Android Wear

telematicsfeturesA new report by Juniper Research on the telematics sector  found that the number of in-vehicle apps in use is expected to reach 269 million by 2018, representing a more than five fold increase on last year’s figure.

Connected Cars: Consumer & Commercial Telematics and Infotainment 2014-2018 reports growth will be fueled by solutions such as Apple’s CarPlay, which will promote in-car apps.

Linux Auto Grade open to connected car devs, CarPlay & More

lf_automotive_logoA collaborative open source project  Automotive Grade Linux (AGL), first open source software release is available for download from the Linux Foundation. Recently, BearingPoint GmbH and Systena joined the organization and are participating in the Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) Steering Committee.

Linus Auto Grade offers an optimized embedded Linux OS stack as a starting point for engineering work. It builds on Tizen IVI supported by Intel and Samsung.

New HUD connected car device safer than CarPlay & Android Auto?

navdyA new device that will let you see only what is needed from your smartphone on a heads up display, called the Navdy, was announced today.  It combines a clear projector screen with voice and gesture controls to create what they call a safer, intuitive connected driving experience.

The driver sees essential information from a smartphone through the display that projects through the windshield (HUD Heads Up Display). A camera sensor allows the driver to use gestures to navigate, communicate or control music. Navdy is available for pre-order right now on for $299.99 with a release date expected in 2015.

Navdy claims that built-in consoles like Android Auto and Apple CarPlay are just bigger touchscreens that do nothing to solve the problem.

More carmakers play CarPlay including Audi, Dodge & Chrysler

morecarsApple CarPlay will be supported by more carmakers that will offer CarPlay in future model cars. The system will only work with lightning connectors for iPhone 5/c/s.

Audi has announced that it will offer Apple’s CarPlay by next year with 2015 models. CarPlay will integrate with Audi’s built-in controls, the Audi MMI touch system, as well as dial controls and voice controls to  activate Siri. Other carmakers that have been added to the CarPlay list are Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Dodge, Fiat, Jeep Mazda and RAM.