Apple released the update 8.1.1 for iPhone 4S-5/C/S-6-6+. The description does not mention the word Bluetooth:
“This release includes bug fixes, increased stability and performance improvements for iPad 2 and iPhone 4s.”
AUTO Connected Car News is pleased to announce the nominees for our annual Tech CARS (Technology of Connected Autos Rated Superior) Awards for connected cars
Apple released iOS 8.1.2 for iPhone 4S, 5/5S/5C, 6/6+ and many of our reading are wondering if it finally fixes the massive Bluetooth connection issues
The most popular articles on AUTO Connected Car News focus on the recent snafu with Bluetooth connections and in-car infotainment systems from either the upgrade
We find it very amusing that Apple whose recent iOS 8-8.2 update fried Bluetooth connections with in-car infotainment systems filed a patent that allows an
iOS 8 has been plagued with Bluetooth bugs connecting to in-car infotainment systems.The manifest of features for iOS update shows a Bluetooth fix which hopefully will help our readers who have tried everything from complaining to Apple to “nuking” their phones to get Bluetooth work. Almost every car maker was affected including BMW, Audi, GM(Chevy, GMC, Cadillac, Buick), Mercedes-Benz, VW, Mazda, Lexus, Fiat, Hyundai and more.
Doing things while you are driving is distracting. The more brain power the function requires the more distracting it is. The AAA Foundation for Traffic
There have been reports of Bluetooth pairing problems with many car makes and models when iPhone owners upgraded to iOS 8 or tried to get
One of the best features of cars that connect to smartphones is Bluetooth, giving the driver access to his/her phone through a microphone and speakers
A Gigaom article confused connected car vehicles with an opportunity to create information superhighway news. he article titled “GM makes a U-Turn on connected car
At the Intellegent Transport Systems Conference in Detroit GM is demonstrating the a self-driving version of the EN-V 2.0, slow-driving petite car designed for the most congested cities.
The Chevrolet Electric Networked-Vehicle (EN-V) 2.0 has the latest intelligent and connected automotive technologies including Lidar and V2X to for automated, low-speed electric driving LSV.
Although the BMW remote app has dismal reviews the GM OnStar app on Google Play has four stars much higher than the BMW app rating.