Embedded Chips & Connected Car News Tips: Uber, CGI, Xilinix, Ficonic, Lexis Nexis, J.D. Power, Aria Systems & TU Automotive
There were many news stories for those interested in embedded chips and connects car news tips
There were many news stories for those interested in embedded chips and connects car news tips
Embedded chips and software news this week includes news from HARMAN, Magna, Bosch, Toyota, Nuance and VW. HARMAN Finalizes Sale of TowerSec HARMAN, connected technologies
During the week and the Geneva Motor Show there were embedded chips and connected car news tips from Bosch, Microchip, Continental and Luxoft. IoT
During the week and Mobile World Congress there were quite a few embedded chip and connected car news tips from ZTE, Lynx, BlackBerry, Movimento, LexisNexis,
Due to Mobile World Congress there are many embedded chips and connected car news tips from ATS, Rightware, IBM, VOXX, TowerSec, TomTom and Metromile. OTA
Today, we launch a new feature at AUTO Connected Car News- Embedded Chips and Connected Car News Tips, with technical connected car news along with