#CES2023 Connected Car News

In connected car news at CES were Immervision, BurgerFi, SMK, TrustInSoft, AVIVA Links,3Cadence, Continental, GEO Semi, Wejo, Microsoft and ThunderX. Car IQ & BlackBerry Car

#CES2023 New Mobis Vision for Future

President Cho Sung-Hwan hosted a Media Showcase, where he presented the vision of ‘New Mobis’ – a mobility company that provides an integrated platform combining

#CES2023 BlackBerry News

BlackBerry is showing its OS at CES. It introduced QNX Accelerate  and announced a partnership with Marelli. BlackBerry and Texas Instruments are launching QNX academy.

Vayyar & VinFast Partner for In-Cabin Alerts

At CES 2023, VinFast and Vayyar Imaging announced a partnership to enhance driving experience and safety by integrating in-cabin radar technology to the latest VF