Using data from its widely adopted Daily Travel Index, leading travel data company Arrivalist predicts that Americans will take 38.5 million road trips over Memorial Day weekend this year. Compared to last year, when many states issued stay-at-home orders amid the Covid-19 pandemic, road trip activity will be up a whopping 46% percent. Travel even is expected to exceed pre-Covid levels by 2.4% when compared to 2019 road trip activity.
The Daily Travel Index is a daily measure of road trip activity taken by residents of all 50 U.S. states, with volume indexed against the average daily volume of 2019 travelers. It was designed as a free online resource available on Arrivalist’s website to provide the travel industry with insights to help plot its path to recovery during the Covid-19 pandemic. Site visitors can compare visitation in 2021 to activity from the same period in 2019, not just the timeframe when travel slowed to a virtual standstill in 2020. Additionally, a customized Daily Travel Index is available to clients, which allows them to compare activity in their market to a nationwide index.