We recently discussed what people will do in autonomous self-driving cars besides watching video, talking on the phone, texting or doing work. We came up with some very amusing scenarios including dog grooming, therapy and other human interactions.
Today’s Connected Car Crazy Caption from AUTO Connected Car News the “Autonomous Self-Driving Car Nut” takes a wry look at Travis who is not as high-tech aware as he should be. Travis takes the device most commonly used on the John and uses it in his high-tech self-driving car.
Travis is handsome young and doesn’t get that self-driving cars are supposed to help people be more productive. He did enjoy posing for the photo and says that someday he’ll learn to operate Skype Business for his luxury sedan.
What other captions could this photo have? Please write them in the comments below. Re-Tweet and post to your favorite social media sites.
You are welcome to send us links to photos and ideas for future “Connected Car Crazy Captions.” Please note our guidelines,
We would appreciate links to funny photos of people in cars, animals, road situations, use of infotainment systems, ADAS functions, different weather driving situations, distracted driving awareness jabs, adorable kids doing funny things, self-driving jokes, autonomous driving situations, laws, security issues, SUVs, CUVs, compact clown cars, Uber/Lyft photos for captions, mobility, software or anything else that relates to connected cars. You can send links to photos to editor[at]autoconnectedcar.com.
Happy Crazy Connected Car Captions!
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