Audi XBox game room could help development fix for diesel spoof

A159931_x750Audi and Volkswagen are on PR rebuilding run, continuing to gesture how wonderful their high tech techniques are. Recently, Audi showed how it tries out techniques in virtual reality using gestures in a 3D-environment using a Myo arm muscle controller in the testing space and also a game controller for the computer.

Maybe the company can use the technique to practice how its service centers are going to fix all the diesel TDI Audis with emissions test spoofing technology. The technology is similar to computer gaming.

Engineers in the Pre-Series Center test assembly processes in a 3-D projection. They assemble components virtually, to see if it work for the employees on the production line. They can move the parts in space.

The tests are conducted in the Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE). There are projections on the floor and wall on which with 3-D images of components. The result is a virtual reality world where Audi engineers can function with 3-D glasses.

As part of series operation, the pre-series developers control the virtual components using a controller from a games console. There is a clue in the news release that it could be used to fix the diesel problems, however it states,  “The engineers in the Pre-Series Center aim to use the Myo in series operation in the coming months.”

The game room could be used to make the parts to retrofit the millions of Volkswagens and Audis that cheated the world and the planet’s atmosphere.

A Myo armband measures the muscle currents in the forearm and record how the user is moving their arm and fingers. The armband then sends the motion data via Bluetooth to a computer. The same computer also collects the user’s position coordinates with the aid of an infrared camera on the ceiling. The camera used is a Kinect – the control hardware in a games console. To ensure that the Myo armband does not interpret every possible movement as a control gesture, the user activates the system by touching their thumb and middle finger.

Katharina Kunz and her team frequently use technologies from the gaming world: “They are ideal for us because they are relatively inexpensive and are being developed rapidly.”

Those who are stuck driving dirty TDI Volkswagens and Audis without proper smog controls are thinking it would be nice if they could give the Audi and Volkswagen engineers street gestures to show their disgust with the once largest automotive brand in the world.