The SolaRoad bike path is a big success not only with bike-riders but with energy users. The bike road embedded with solar panels generated over 3,000 kWh in a half of a year which is enough to provide a one-person household with electricity for a year.
SolaRoad was developed by TNO, the Province of Noord-Holland, Ooms Civiel and Imtech.
The energy generated is 70 kWh per square meter per year, making the road a success. There was only one problem. A small section of the coating the SolaRoad cycle path delaminated most likely caused by large temperature fluctuations. Repairs have been made Since the opening, more than 150.000 cyclists rode on SolaRoad.
Since its opening in the Krommenie, Netherlands, the province of North Holland has signed a cooperation agreement with the state of California, which involves SolaRoad.
SolaRoad is a living lab of about 70 meters and consists of a cycle path constructed of concrete modules of 2.5 to 3.5 meters.
I’d be very interested in learning which department of California, USA, is involved with the SolaRoad group … Can you please email to me what you learn??
thanks so much!