A new study by Accenture shows what car buyers want digitally from auto buying websites. Buyers are ready to buy cars completely online. Three-quarters of those surveyed said they would consider conducting the entire car-buying process online, including financing, price negotiation, back office paperwork and home delivery.
Most car buyers are doing online research before visiting a dealership. 80% of drivers seeking to purchase a new vehicle are using some form of digital technology to research their buying preferences, and 62% are initiating the car-buying process online. 69% said they have either bought a car online or would consider doing so. 63% of respondents said they would be interested in buying a new car through an online auction.
Connected car features and security are important to car buyers. 57% found Wi-Fi hotspots in cars appealing as well as info on digital security options.
Car buyers also like the added services and perks :
- Around two-thirds of consumers stated free oil changes/maintenance would influence their decision to purchase. 68% would be influenced by free oil changes and maintenance. 54% like membership services without an annual. 20% like free music/downloads with a car purchase.
- Special offers car buyers would like are discounts on car insurance, discounts on gas, special offers and remote/check of car with software updates.
Car buyers would like more digital displays at car dealers. 53% said they would be interested in access to an interactive touch display that provides information on the available models during a visit to a showroom, and 48% would like to be able to take a virtual test drive at the dealership.
The survey found that consumers thought the after-sales process and the availability of extra pricing options online are the weakest links in the digital car-buying experience.
- U.S. drivers are particularly interested in comparison shopping sites, such as TrueCar or Edmunds.com.
- Among all options presented, drivers in every country surveyed expressed the least interest in engaging in an online “chat” with dealers.
- U.S. drivers feel the trade-in value of a current vehicle needs the most improvement. Overall, however, the respondents feel pre-sales online information needs the least attention.