Zubie Holiday Tips for safety and safe love

zubieZubie is an OBDII port device designed to help you find your car or people driving in your car as well as become a better driver and take better care of your car. Zubie partnered with Progressive Insuranceso  you can also see how much money you could save with a connected car tracker from Progressive Insurance. Just in time for holiday gift giving, Zubie offers some holiday Zubielisicous tips for holiday driving and we found the lowest price so far.

Zubie notes that to help you keep track of winterizing your car, Zubie monitors diagnostics (even when the car is at a standstill) and can alert you to any necessary maintenance well in advance of trip taking this Holiday Season.

In order to avoid gridlock and accidents, Zubie suggests that you schedule your road time early in the morning or late at night depending on what’s best for your route. If planning to travel at night, make sure you check the weather forecast so you don’t get stuck in a storm.

Do you want to know how other Zubie drivers handled the Thanksgiving holiday? Here are interesting statistics from Zubie over the Thanksgiving holiday travel weekend:

  • Trips on Wednesday, also known as Thanksgiving travel day, were 14% longer than comparable weekdays
  • 3pm to 4pm was the most popular time to be on the road on Thanksgiving Travel Day,  which also was the most congested time of day
  • Drivers looking for the quickest ride started out early – 4:00 am saw the fewest cars on the road
  • Incidentally, 6:00 AM to 7:00AM had the worst driving behavior in terms of acceleration and braking
  • Long distance drivers tended to leave at 5AM and their trips tended to be almost 60% longer than those who left in the afternoon.

Zubie is also offering advice to keep Zubie drivers safe and prevent winter calamities with Zubie and other Zubie features:

  • Prevent dead batteries,cold weather can drain your battery Zubie shows if your battery is charged.
  • Saving on gas mileage driver better reduces the use of fuel. Zubie gives you driving suggestions.
  • Zubie helps you car pool and caravan on the ride to Grandma’s house.
  • Zubie gives you rewards and coupons for good driving.

“Love your car. Your car takes you thousands of miles a year through rain, sleet, sun and hail – why not reward it with something that keeps it doing the same for years to come?” was asked in the Zubie blog.

If you love your car, you can give it a Zubie which usually costs $99 but now Best Buy iconis running a special deal for Zubie for $59.99. Zubie helps locate friends, improve driving habits and diagnose engine codes. It comes with 12 months of 24/7 wireless service.