New car buyers want connected cars for Internet, safety, productivity and entertainment

nielsenconnectedcarstudyNielsen likes to study the reasons why people use media and their buying intentions. Recently, the company studied the features used and wanted by connected car buyers.

Safety Major Value

  • Safety is a major value among car buyers, it is the highest-ranking features for future buyers, 79% said they believe a vehicle’s safety features will make them feel safe.
  • Users of connected car technologies like the value of crash notifications (64% very important).
  • Internet-enabled navigation was found to 58% very important.
  • Safety alerts were ranked at 51% very important.
  • Connected car consumers also rated these same features as most important in their car-buying decision-making processes.

Other Fun Connected Car Usage Stats

  1. A full 72% stream audio regularly or every time in the vehicle.
  2. 41% use the connected to Internet feature regularly and 26% use Internet connections every time in the vehicle.
  3. 21% download media every time in the vehicle and 27% download media regularly in the vehicle.

Very Likely to Buy Connected

  • Nielsen found of the 44% of future people who plan to purchase a new car within the next two years, 39% are very likely to purchase a connected car with built-in features.
  • 60% of future auto buyers say they’d like a connected car because they want to experience emerging technologies.
  • 58% reported they would like connectivity to provide entertainment to passengers while on the road.
  • 43% though it will boost their productivity while they’re on the road.

As far as sex goes, the study found the majority are men at 58%, 42% are age 55+ and 62% have at least a college degree and 37% made more than $100,000 per year.  Connected car buyers want convenience, 37% of connected car users say they spend 30 minutes to an hour in their cars on a regular basis.