Today is a holiday in the United States, Columbus Day, when Columbus discovered America. We thought today would be a great day to discover new videos of interest to connected car fans.
Intel in the first promotional video shows how it developing security for “Intelligent Cars” that are step above connected cars.
The next video shows the future of Intelligent Transportation and data profiles. Kids play games on the back windows. Augmented reality shows on the front windshield. Cars group data to each other and find parking spaces according to driver preferences and pricing.
The third video shows Advanced Driver Assistance (ADAS) Systems. Paul and Joel from Intel get up-to-speed to benchmark and algorithm and benchmark data on a Nissan Leaf. Autonomous vehicles use a rack of Intel computers. Intel will provide a functionally safe and scalable for OEMS and Tier Ones. Three HD video streams were run in an automotive reference platform in under 5 watts in a “nice box.”
The next platform can process nine high-definition videos for autonomous driving.