SafeCell 360 is an app available to teenage drivers in the United States for the 2014/2015 year free. It enables the teens and parents to block apps, text messages, emails and monitor them.
The app provides parents the ability to limit the use of their teenage drivers access to their Android and iPhone devices while driving. SafeCell 360 is designed to run in the background and monitor for motion.
It is designed to block and or monitor Inbound and Outbound SMS/text, phone and emails.SafeCell 360 will also block access to all applications installed on the device via theSafeCell 360 Kiosk functionality. The app monitors and capture all interactions.Audible and Visual prompts of parental rules regarding cellphone use while driving. Automated reports are sent to parents on showing all violations during a predefined period.SafeCell 360 has been certified and tested to work across all carriers throughout the United States.
The company is looking for backers. Another option is the OTTER app or services offered by AT&T.