WAT makes the APMA Connected Car so special?

001__C1A3282Last week, the most Canadian connected concept car, ever, was shown at the APMA( Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association) in Canada and one that the Ontario’s drunken mayor Rob Ford can’t drive because it has an alcohol interlock device on it.

There have been reports that just say what types of devices were installed in the car running the QNX operating system but not the actual devices makers or providers.

The specially decked out Lexus RX350 was connected and reconfigured by the University of Waterloo.

C3 Connected Car Council formed not to be confused with Connected Car Expo

connectedcarcouncilConnected Car Conference (C3) founder Doug Newcomb  announced the formation of the Connect Car Council and its inaugural members.

The Connected Car Council will market its members and help shape future C3 with topics such as distracted driving, data, networking, infotainment and privacy/security.