Security Software Coming for Connected Cars in 2020

CarttocarsecurityGBy 202o when there will be more than 20 million connected cars shipped with built-in security software, reports ABI Research.In the past, hardware systems were kept separate from each other by using separate systems. Harmon and Mentor Graphics are using security software with containerization and sandboxing.

Cisco is partnering with Continental and Visteon to bring enterprise IT connectivity based security technologies such as Private Networks (VPN), IPsec, encryption and authentication (PKI) to an automotive industry lacking in-house expertise.

The DOT is working on Dedicate Short Range Communications that will allow for the integration of a wider array of technologies and thus enable private industry to develop innovative technologies that may offer new or additional features.

Security is not just about technology but also about risk management practices. Other important features of security are personal privacy issues, legislation and geo-locations noted ABI Research.

ABI Research analysis covers the automotive security vendor ecosystem, with companies such as Electrobit, Telenor, Continental, NXP, Mocana, Esla, Verizon, CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium, DARPA, Secuirty Innovation and Daimler.

The report provides charts of new vehicle shipments with security technology forecast to 2020.